Wednesday, May 26, 2010


One of the greatest gifts that God gave to us is FOCUS. If you have a project or dream that can seduce you enough to devote your time and creativity for its achievement that is a blessing. Because all of a sudden you'll start seeing events and situations that will help you achieve your soul's desire. Alot of people have not discovered what they'll trade their life for, for if we all find our purpose in life, and pursue it with the zeal of an evanmgelist, and the marketing savvy of a business man and the charm of a beautiful woman we'll make the world a better place.

Monday, May 24, 2010


“Successful brands have learned to love competition. They understand that competition is their friend. Be Competitive: Learn how to compete in your space. As a brand I have learned that it is easier to rest on my laurels when I am the only one in my domain. If there is a high demand for the products or services in your field, you are not going to be the only person on the planet focusing on what you do. So get over it.” Hajji Flemings.
Studies have shown that smaller companies become more efficient and effective when bigger companies pitch their tents in their locality. Competition is good, because it keeps you on your toes and helps you becomes better at what you do so you don’t rest on your laurels.
As a personal brand, you must realize that you’re not the only brand competiting for a space in the mind of your customers, to have top of mind ADVANTAGE means that whenever your type of service is needed it is your name that first pops in the mind of the customer.
To have a large mind share in your customers mind you must;
Be extremely good at what you do
Invest into the emotional bank account of the customer
Make use of social networking tools like: face book, twitter, and MySpace
Build a tribe
Go the extra mile
Be proactive
Establish friendship

The top of mind recognition principle is what motivates brands like Indomie to sponsor schools’ programs and MTN to sponsor sports and musical events, the recent of which is the sponsorship of South Africa 2010. The more you see the brand logo and slogan the easier it is for you to recognize and remember the brand when you want to make a buying decision.
1. Opportunity
2. Trust/Credibility
3. Brand insistence
4. Influence
5. Money, Money, Money