Wednesday, September 22, 2010


“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasures of his heartbringeth forth evil things.” Matthew12:35. This statement means that thoughts of poverty will produce poverty, thoughts of divorce will produce divorce, and thoughts of prosperity will produce prosperity.
Your mind is a fertile land: whatever is planted in the land will produce after its own kind. If you plant a mango seed, you will get a mango fruit.
In your case, the seeds that produce things in your outer world are planted in the soil of your heart by:
· What you see (the eye channel)
· What you hear (the ear channel)
· What you say ( the verbal channel)Of all these channels, the most powerful is the verbal channel because it has to do with the words that come out of your mouth. Jesus said in Luke 8:11 “The seed is the word.” If the seed is the word, then your mind is the soil and whatsoever a man sows, he will reap.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Dreams are in the mental state; a state where only the dreamer can see and experience the dream. However, to transfer the dream from the mental to the physical requires work. In his fascinating book THE OUTLIERS, author and speaker, Malcolm Gladwell argued that for any person, be you an athlete, swimmer, banker, writer, speaker, etc. to achieve world class success, the person must spend 10,000 hours honing their skills and mastering their craft.
Victoria Pendleton won gold in the Women’s Sprint Cycling event at the 2008 Beijing Olympics after training for four hours a day, six days a week. Rebecca Adlington, the 19-year-old swimmer who won two gold medals at the same tournament had put in an estimated 8,840 hours of training since the age of 12.
Working out your dream involves a lot of dedication and sacrifices. A lot of people want a successful outcome but they seldom want to pay the price required for success. If the price wasn’t there, then everybody would be living the life of their dreams. But if your dream is dear to you, if your dream has sunk deep into your soul, you will pay whatever price as long as it is ethical to make it materialize.
Working out your dream will require a huge dose of focus and discipline. The world is replete with things that want to distract your attention, and I must add that some of them are not negative, but they can’t take you where you intend to go. When you’re working out your dream, develop the ability to say ‘NO’ to some of your friends and family members, say no to some parties and weddings, pour your whole soul into working out your dream and build the momentum necessary to materialize your dream. Then when you’re done, you can socialize all you want.
If you don’t achieve greatness with your life, the very same people who wanted to invite you for parties and weddings will tell their children not to be like you, so that instead of your life to be an example of possibilities, it becomes a warning sign.
So work out your dream now because there are two pains in life: one is the pain of regret and the other, the pain of discipline. The pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons.
Pay the price of discipline now. Do whatever you have to do to nurture your dream so that you will not look back at life with a look of regret and a list of ‘if I had known I would have’...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


At the end of the day brands are about performance and results. If your Sony DVD player doesn’t perform you most likely won’t patronize them again. Customers patronize brands because they perceive that, the brand can satisfy their needs and wants, better than competing products.

As a personal brand you must note that you have Internal as well as External customers. Your internal customers are your boss, supervisor or people that depend on your report and work to effectively do theirs. While your external customers are those that exchange money for the value you provide.

To deliver world-class competence within the context of your position and organization you must know your key result area. Your key result area asks you a question; WHAT ARE YOU PAID TO DO IN YOUR ORGANIZATION? Understanding the depth of that question and doing it will make you OUTSTANDING. Being effective in administration when you’re employed to market products and services means you will soon be relieved of your job because you are not performing in your area of employment.

For example if sales or selling is your key result area then personal branding demands that you develop this skill intensely; which will require that you read about the subject matter, ask questions, study predecessors, burn the midnight oil and in the morning act on the information you have received to grow the competent brand called you.

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________
1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

1. ________________________________

2. ______________________________

Now, if you answer the above questions correctly you’ll have an idea of what will enable you produce more results. Identifying your key result area is the first step, because it gives you an idea of the skill-set you’ll need to develop or acquire for you to be effective on your job. One thing about successful brands is that, they are very good at what they do. Building your brand will require that you invest time into developing the skill-set needed for success on your job. Developing these skills will require;

TIME: The difference between an average person and a professional who knows how to do something well is that professional spends time developing their craft. Robin sharma said, "DAILY RIPPLES OF SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE ADD UP OVER TIME TO TIDAL WAVES OF OUTRAGEOUS SUCCESS." Investing into competence development is what will make you standout. If you want to be competent at something and you don’t create time to develop yourself, it becomes apparent fact that you’re not really committed to that thing, you’re only interested. Committed people find a way; interested people find a way out.

INVESTMENT: The average person does just enough to get by; a committed person goes the extra mile. You’ve got to invest time, money and any resource available to you, to get to where you want to be. For every world player you see, what you don’t see is tons of sacrificial investment. Where you spend your money tells a lot about where your heart is.

DISCIPLINE: Discipline is also required to develop competence; a wise man once said discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tones. Discipline is the hallmark of greatness; discipline sometimes could mean switching off your television or avoiding idle gist that doesn’t add value to you so you can focus on developing the brand called YOU.

If you spend 1 hour a day reading and developing your competence in lets say marketing and sales, in one week you would have done 7 hours of personal development besides that which your organization does for you. In one month you would have put in 28 hours into your personal development and that will put miles ahead of other marketers in your department and industry.

But this will require commitment on your part. John Assaraf speaking along these lines, said: “if you are interested you will do what is convenient, if you are committed you will do whatever it takes.”

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Marty Neumeier said, "A brand is a persons gut feeling about a product, service or company. " He went futher to say that brands are defined by people and not companies or markets. If you consistently tell a story about how you want to be percieved, for example apple wants to be percieved as an innovative company that makes great products, And enough people get it then you have a brand. So, today the word apple = innovation and great products in the 'MIND' of consumers thats their brand.
Personal branding is about extracting some of the principles that successful organisational brands like: Apple, Microsoft, MTN, Nokia, Blackberry etc have used to make themselves successful then applying them to individuals to make them successful in their careers, life, and business lives.
You cannot control what people think about you, but you can influence the way your income-audience, namely your boss, customers, and family, perceive you because if the perception they have of you is right, it will lead to: promotion, prosperity, increased responsibility, visibility, and success.
Your brand is your distinction or difference from the crowd. And your distinction is the value or solution you bring into the lives of people and organisations that engage your skills.
Personal branding is about your promise of VALUE or BENEFIT to your income-audience. How will you use your skill to help your organisation make more money or save more money.
lets talk more about this tomorrow good night.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I had a great time speaking at the commonwealth of zion assembly in Abuja, one of the fastest growing churches in the city. The audience participation was wow! My books were sold out i'll leave you with the words of Norman Cousins "the greatest tragedy in life is not death. But the things and dreams we allow to die within us while we are alive."
Don't die with your candle still on, make sure the dreams in your soul are delivered to your generation and beyond before to exit this dimension of existence.

Sunday, September 12, 2010



Our beliefs are very powerful. By power I mean that our beliefs can cause changes in our lives. In mark 9:23, Jesus Christ said, “ if you can believe all things are possible to him to him who believes.” There are two things I learnt from that statement; the first one is that what is possible for you in your life is not a function of: your pedigree, gender, nationality, educational background or all the other mental barriers that we use to stop ourselves, but your capacity to simply believe.
A lot of dreams have been discarded on the pavement of time, a lot of books have been left unwritten, a lot of businesses have to left un-built because the dream custodians have refused to believe. It is not that the dream can’t be manifested, but the dream-host were too scared to dare. So they died with their music still in them, while the rest of their tribe are physically alive but their dreams are dead.
Norman cousins put sagely when he said, “the greatest tragedy in life is not death, the greatest tragedy is what we allow to die within us while we are alive.”
The second thing I learnt from the words, “if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes.” Is that, it is a law. One thing about a true law is that it is not bias, in fact I noticed that the symbol of justice in Nigeria is the image of a human being that is blind folded, which is indicative of the fact that the image does not look at faces.
PLACEBO EFFECT: something prescribed for a patient that contains no medicine, but is given for the positive psychological effect it may have because the patient believes that he or she is receiving treatment. How it works is that, they take a sick patient, let’s say a cancer patient and they inform the patient that, that the drug that they are about to give them can wipe out their disease, meanwhile the drug has no medicinal content, the patient believes and a lot of times they get healed.
When they believe their brains release chemicals that enhance healing in the body. That is how powerful our beliefs are, the body even responds to your belief and heals itself.A lot of the beliefs that most people have about what’s not possible in their lives go unquestioned for decades and these beliefs mutate or metastasizes from parent to children.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Mark 9:23 says that to him that believes all things are possible. I put that scripture to intense test recently when i was believing for 550 women to register at women enterprise conference. To the glory of God 300 women attended the conference and i was amazed at the goodness and kindness of God. Now, prior to that the most i have gotten in terms of attendance at any of my conferences was 55 people.
If you believe in your dreams they will come to pass. I'll leave you with these, " By believing in that which does not exsist we create it. And that which is non existent in our lives have not yet been sufficiently desired."

Thursday, June 3, 2010


We can all achieve our most heroic dreams if we believe and act on them. A wise man said, "by believing in that which does not exist we create it. And that which does not yet exist in our lives have not been suffiently desired enough."
So, i humbly suggest that you do something today, no matter how small, that will move you an inch closer to the achievement of your dreams.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


One of the greatest gifts that God gave to us is FOCUS. If you have a project or dream that can seduce you enough to devote your time and creativity for its achievement that is a blessing. Because all of a sudden you'll start seeing events and situations that will help you achieve your soul's desire. Alot of people have not discovered what they'll trade their life for, for if we all find our purpose in life, and pursue it with the zeal of an evanmgelist, and the marketing savvy of a business man and the charm of a beautiful woman we'll make the world a better place.

Monday, May 24, 2010


“Successful brands have learned to love competition. They understand that competition is their friend. Be Competitive: Learn how to compete in your space. As a brand I have learned that it is easier to rest on my laurels when I am the only one in my domain. If there is a high demand for the products or services in your field, you are not going to be the only person on the planet focusing on what you do. So get over it.” Hajji Flemings.
Studies have shown that smaller companies become more efficient and effective when bigger companies pitch their tents in their locality. Competition is good, because it keeps you on your toes and helps you becomes better at what you do so you don’t rest on your laurels.
As a personal brand, you must realize that you’re not the only brand competiting for a space in the mind of your customers, to have top of mind ADVANTAGE means that whenever your type of service is needed it is your name that first pops in the mind of the customer.
To have a large mind share in your customers mind you must;
Be extremely good at what you do
Invest into the emotional bank account of the customer
Make use of social networking tools like: face book, twitter, and MySpace
Build a tribe
Go the extra mile
Be proactive
Establish friendship

The top of mind recognition principle is what motivates brands like Indomie to sponsor schools’ programs and MTN to sponsor sports and musical events, the recent of which is the sponsorship of South Africa 2010. The more you see the brand logo and slogan the easier it is for you to recognize and remember the brand when you want to make a buying decision.
1. Opportunity
2. Trust/Credibility
3. Brand insistence
4. Influence
5. Money, Money, Money

Friday, May 21, 2010


A leader is a person who is passionate about an idea, and then he pursues it with commitment and conviction regardless of what that idea is. For some people it is to improve on the eating habits of kids in school like Jamie Oliver the british chef who won the 2010 ted prize, for me it is to inspire the world to believe in the beauty of their dreams.

the question is whats your's for it is your dream that will: compel people to follow you, make cheque books to open, and hearts to open with warmth and love. Go make your dreams happen so you can make the world a better place.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

the power of service

The etymology of the word ‘Service’ is from the Greek word, ’DIAKONIA’ which means to: wait upon, to host or to attend to. Karl Albrecht defined service as work done by one person for the benefit of another. Service is about helping and improving lives of your customers. A true service-driven company is obsessed with customer service and not profit making. For anyone to qualify as a member of an organization, that person must first regard himself as a servant of that organization; which means that everyone within a given organization must be conscious of the service rendered to customers.
Japanese entrepreneur Kenosuke Matsusshita spoke beautifully when he said, “The purpose of an enterprise is to contribute to society; profits come only in proportion to contribution. Profit is a result, not a goal.” In one eastern religion they have a mantra “service before self”. The beautiful thing about all of this is that, when we serve people money will serve us.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


if you are a woman with dreams and visions for a better tomorrow i want you to join me and these powerful speakers at
the 2010 version of turning talent into profit seminar for women. for details call 08069438614

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We just concluded our HOW TO GET YOUR DREAM JOB SEMINAR, i am so grateful to the almighty God over 50 people showed up for the seminar. God had impressed the idea into my soul along time ago, i heshatated not knowing that success was on the other side waiting for me. I wonder what idea God has been impressing into your soul, go ahead and do it for therein lies your
