Thursday, September 16, 2010


Marty Neumeier said, "A brand is a persons gut feeling about a product, service or company. " He went futher to say that brands are defined by people and not companies or markets. If you consistently tell a story about how you want to be percieved, for example apple wants to be percieved as an innovative company that makes great products, And enough people get it then you have a brand. So, today the word apple = innovation and great products in the 'MIND' of consumers thats their brand.
Personal branding is about extracting some of the principles that successful organisational brands like: Apple, Microsoft, MTN, Nokia, Blackberry etc have used to make themselves successful then applying them to individuals to make them successful in their careers, life, and business lives.
You cannot control what people think about you, but you can influence the way your income-audience, namely your boss, customers, and family, perceive you because if the perception they have of you is right, it will lead to: promotion, prosperity, increased responsibility, visibility, and success.
Your brand is your distinction or difference from the crowd. And your distinction is the value or solution you bring into the lives of people and organisations that engage your skills.
Personal branding is about your promise of VALUE or BENEFIT to your income-audience. How will you use your skill to help your organisation make more money or save more money.
lets talk more about this tomorrow good night.

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